Tony Buck / The Necks

Editorial / 2013 / Berlin
Published in The Wire / London

The Necks are a highly needed fresh wind in the world of contemporary jazz, with contemporary also meaning global, with the three members spread around the globe between Europe and Australia.
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Erased Tapes

Editorial / 2012 / Berlin
Published in Groove / Berlin

Berlin-based label Erased Tapes is a fine example of an independent record label in the 21st century. Consistently carving out their niche between electronica and classical and ambient for five years, it's a wholesome approach to music: production, packaging, videos - everything is produced with equal attention to detail and an obvious love for the artists they promote. Why would anyone start a record label during the industry's ongoing midlife crisis? Because music is still the heartbeat of our lives.
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Miss Platnum

Editorial / 2009 / Berlin
Published in Les Inrockuptibles / Paris

Miss Platnum hails from Romania and she's not ashamed to admit it. Growing up in Berlin, she lets her Eastern roots take that most Western music of all Ð hip hop Ð for a ride, and a funky one it is.
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Svetlana Aleksijevitj

Editorial / 2016 / Berlin
Published by Aftenposten A-magasinet / Oslo

The first journalist to win the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2015, Svetlana Aleksijevitj ventures into the darkest corners of human nature in her work. The Belorussian investigative journalist spends her time mostly listening, constructing disturbing oral histories of dark moments in Soviet history, such as the Afghan war or the Chernobly disaster, from countless testimonies of witnesses and victims.
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Hudson Mohawke

Editorial / 2009 / Berlin
Published in Groove / Berlin

Hudson Mohawke is a new sigining to the legendary Warp label. Call it hip hop if you must, but it's tricky to label the Glaswegian producer Ð before you can nail him down, he's already on to the next bend of his eclectic rollercoaster ride blending styles and sounds into one breathless cocktail of funk.
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